The Finals of the Professional Skills Championship "Professionals"

«Участие в чемпионате - дело времени»

The Finals of the Professional Skills Championship "Professionals"  is a competition aimed at demonstrating professional skills in the most popular and demanded professions.

Championship Finals


  • TVET students – who are the winners or medalists of the regional Championships of Professional Excellence in a particular skill.

  • School students – students of Russian schools aged 14 and older who are the winners or medalists of the regional Championships of Professional Excellence in a particular skill.

  • Young enterprise specialists – at the age under 35 working in the related to a particular skill field of industry.

  • Representatives of foreign countries:

– students of TVET institutions aged 16 and older;

– young industry specialists at the age under 35 working in the field similar to a particular skill.

All visitors to the Championship final stage are given the opportunity to:

  • "Immerse" in various professions through interactive formats of short professional trials that will allow to try hand as a professional in more than 30 areas;
  • get acquainted with the best professional training venues in St. Petersburg;
  • visit the leading Russian companies and study the best production, processing, maintenance and service technologies in various areas of economy;
  • take a glance on the latest technologies demonstrated at the stands of the exhibition programme.


About Finals of the Professional Skills Championship "Professionals"

List of skills of the Finals of the Championship "Professionals"

Program of Finals of the Professional Skills Championship "Professionals"

Business program of the Finals of the Championship "Professionals"

FAQ about the Championship "Professionals"

Form for participation 

Competition documentation